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When history is forgotten, people are doomed to see it repeated. When leaders hide history, people are doomed. New proof discovered in the National Archives shows that US leaders have long failed to mention that during the French colonial decades, 1875–1954, US business & government operated in Viet Nam enabled by French force against innocent Viet Nam.

Making things worse, when France got kicked out in 1954, US leaders brought the 1960s US-Viet Nam War, seeking to seize control, in order to resume that business.

From research during 45 years, this newsletter draws on Corporate Tsunami in Countryside Paradise: 18751900 Origin of US War in Viet Nam, First Edition Revised (2021), by Brian D. Roesch.

Escaping blame for having caused Viet Nam to defend itself, they continue angering other regions, by continuing into 2021 to pursue resource control by force, instead of fair trade by diplomacy.

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Subscribe to Real Reason for the US-Viet Nam War

Hidden 1875–1940 US business in Viet Nam, enabled by force: Escaping blame for that, US leaders continue resource control by force in decades of coups & wars into 2021, angering much of the world.


Author, Corporate Tsunami in Countryside Paradise: 1875–1900 Origin of US War in Viet Nam. Drafted 1970, orders to Viet Nam 1972, troop withdrawal led instead to service in Thailand 1974–75 as rescue helicopter pilot, not in combat.